53 Pan in Action

Caught in midshift engaging the clutch and reaching for the hand grip.
Nice rolling shot of my 53 Pan taken during a photo shoot for American Iron Magazine.
The editor of the mag informed me that they would like to re-shoot it this coming spring as the photo's did not come out as expected and to their standards, oh well! This shot was actully taken by my good friend Rockabilly Rich who was at the mag shoot, should have had him take all the photos, he took this one with a smart phone!

Flatheads, Panheads, Shovelheads & Twincams Oh My!

A few random shots of the bikes that showed up for one of the Bear Mountain AMCA chapter rides this past summer. 

Police Bikes

Midland Market must have some pretty good doughnuts!

It's good to see most PD's across the country have returned to using Harley Davidsons again after many years of trying other brands.